GL STR.ID Conversion
August 9, 2024
- In Universe, general ledger transactions are posted from various systems using a single part account number.
- For example, 5501101.
- Account: 5501 is UTIL-UTILITIES
- Location: Store 101.
- For example, 5501101.
- In Multidev, general ledger transactions are posted from various systems using multi part keys.
- For example, 604002 101 SLS
- GL_MAJ (equivalent to Account): 604002
- BRANCHLABEL (equivalent to location): 101
- For example, 604002 101 SLS
- In fact, the two digit BRANCHID is used in the posting of transactions, not BRANCHLABEL, but for the purposes of this discussion, we will use BRANCHLABEL.
- Additionally, DEPT is not a concept that we separate in Universe.
- STR.MST has been updated to have the Multidev BRANCHID and BRANCHLABEL so that a translation can be made.
- General Concepts:
- In Universe, Store 100 is both an inventory and an expense center.
- In Multidev
- Branch 20/100 is the inventory location
- Branch 01/000 is the expense center.
- For all NON-SMC departments,
- Branch is the translated branch, e.g., 21/101 is store 101
- DEPT for all transactions is “SLS”.
- For SMC departments, including store 100
- Branch is set to 01/000 – SMC CORPORATE OFFICES
- DEPT for all transactions is the equivalent BRANCHID.
- For example, something that posted in Universe 5501043 (UTIL-UTILITIES, Data Processing/MIS) will post as:
For example, 604002 000 043
- GL_MAJ (equivalent to Account): 604002
- BRANCHLABEL (equivalent to location): 000
- DEPT: 043
- An argument could made to take certain accounts and/or postings from certain sources to store 100 and convert as store 100, dept SLS instead of 000/000.
- However, the data structure of GL.SRC would be somewhat time consuming.
- Until future discussion Universe store 100 will translate to location 000 and department 000 (unallocated).